In advance of the 2024 Provincial Election in British Columbia on October 19th, Surjit interviewed candidates from the following ridings, and the audio of those interviews are linked here for your listening pleasure and to better inform yourself in advance of casting your vote.
Abbotsford-Langley Independent Candidate Karen Long
Chilliwack North Green Party Candidate Tim Cooper
Abbotsford-Mission NDP Candidate Pam Alexis
Abbotsford West NDP Candidate Graeme Hutchison
The only riding where all candidates would make themselves available for interviews with Mr. Atwal was Abbotsford South – CIVL was notified that no additional Conservative candidates would be made available to CIVL for interviews alongside their opponents, and thus CIVL elected not to air interviews from those ridings on FM radio as per CRTC elections guidelines regarding fairness, but to make the content available online for those interested.